Thursday, April 21, 2011

Adding Injury to Insult

A shorter update on my state of hot messness...

If Tuesday's fun little adventure wasn't enough to keep me on my toes, yesterday taught me that I should, in fact, never be left unattended.
It was the first day that I was feeling better in a week and I was determined to make the most of it. I scrubbed, waxed, polished, tanned, plucked, and styled my way back to my normal self. I had a handful of things to do in the city and was so happy to get a  break from my cabin fever.

Perhaps it was the fact that I was wearing shoes for the first time in four days, or the fact that my house hates me... But as I decended our stairs, the wedges that I was wearing caught the stair wrong and I completely lost my balance and fell down half a flight.

It would have been an entire flight of stairs, except that they curve halfway down. Instead, I broke my fall by landing on one of the larger angle stairs and my legs popping out through the banister. I looked just like Alice when she gets too big for the white rabbits house.

Winded and in shock, I made sure I could move everything. Then I simply began to laugh. This week has been so ridiculous, I'm not sure what else can be thrown my way (a quick trip down the stairs was not what I would have guessed).

I later asked my friend Megan if there was a mark or a bruise on my back, as the place that I landed was really starting to hurt. She pulled me to a mirror and showed me my back. I have a "tramp stamp"  of a ring of flowers in the middle of my back, and the bruise/ red mark is right smack dab in the middle of the ring. Might as well be a bullseye.

Seeing how swimmingly this week is going, I can only imagine what today has in store for me. Chances are it will be somewhat unpleasant, but make for another great story to share.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Good lord, woman, you're falling apart at the seams! So glad to hear you're feeling better, and beyond bummed we don't get to see you this weekend. I hope your weekend goes better than the past week!