Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Theme Song

Ok, so it's Day 3 of the anti-TV campaign and I have to admit that things are not going so swimmingly. To compensate for my cheating thus far, I will however, give myself a pat on the back for keeping to my other "life improvement goals." I've flossed every single day this week, on dry afternoons taken Gatsby for some great walks, done at least two daily chores around the house... which is so nice to not be behind going into the weekend!, and I've been writing A LOT.
That said, the TV has yet to be turned off. Tonight, American Idol featured songs from movie soundtracks. This got Katie and I talking (and singing) about our picks and what songs would be fitting for our life soundtracks.

I came up with this mini soundtrack:
  • "Oh Happy Day" from Sister Act 2
  • "Smile" by Charlie Chaplin... a song my dad has been singing to me since I can remember
  • "Lady Marmalade" from Moulin Rouge which pretty much sums up the whole of my college years
  • "Let's Get Married" another Trailer regular
  • And finally, what would my life be without my favorite theme song "Don't Rain on my Parade" from Funny Girl, which pretty much says it all.

What are your theme songs? Do they change? What would be describe you today?

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