Monday, January 23, 2012

I Am Thankful: 6

For a reality check.

I've let myself get down on the fact that I haven't been able to find a job yet. It's frustrating. Each time it gets harder to walk in with my head held high and exude confidence without fearing that the opportunity will fall through.

I know that I have a lot going for me. It's unfortunately too easy to get sidetracked and decide to feel sorry for myself instead.

A simple reminder put me right back in check.

Over Christmas, I was given an amazingly thoughtful gift. A certain someone sponsored a child in Kenya in my name. Knowing how much of a heart I have for children in developing countries, and how much I want to adopt abroad, this was (as he stated) "the next closest thing."

I was so excited to send my first correspondence with the little girl.

One problem. I found it hard to find things to talk about.

She lives in a small hut with limited resources, limited education, and a constant threat of illness.

I live in the land of consumerism.

What right did I have to tell her about my home? My life? What do I do with my time that will even translate with her world? I've never gone hungry. I have a private education. I have more things in my house than I know what to do with.

Ultimately, I decided to send her pictures of Gatsby, my family, and a picture of snow (since it's not something they'll ever get there). I gave her an idea of where in the country I lived, and told her about our celebration of Christmas (again... the meaning, not the presents).

This letter reminded me of how privileged my life is. And I'm lucky to have had this be a reoccuring thought since sending it.
I am thankful for my blessings.

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