Monday, October 29, 2012

Oy Vey! It's Been A Long Time!

No posts since May?? This can't be! Where have I been? What I have I been up to? Why have I utterly ignored Trim?

Though I don't quite have an answer to any of those questions, I can say this: many things have changed and come about, but I've been most thankful for the things that have remained the same. In the wake of years filled with change, moves, and transitions, for the last six months I've been so happy to just  - BE.

For the first time in about 10 years, I'm living in a home longer than 12 months. No plans to relocate anytime soon.

I've been going into the office day in and day out instead of working from home. Though the mornings are earlier than I'd prefer, I find simple pleasures in things like coffee with coworkers and running errands around downtown during lunch. It's also made me appreciate my time at home much more.

Gatsby continues to grow into his ornery, stubborn, adorable self. That face gets him out of a lot of trouble.

And Matt and I are happily becoming a old boring couple filled with dinners at home, History channel documentary nights, and routine. I couldn't love it more!

On the more exciting end, there are a handful of very fun things that have kept things spicy around these parts. Here's a little sprinkling of the last six months.

With solid employment comes a steady flow of airline tickets! Oh how I had missed travel during unemployment.

Matt and I were lucky enough to head to Philadelphia this summer for my work...

...Texas to visit Matt's parents, spend some time in my beloved Austin, and get a true Aggie tour of Texas A&M and College Station complete with all their traditions and cheers. Whoop!...

... And most recently, Matt's work took him to Germany for three weeks right around the time of a little gathering known as Oktoberfest. I met him out there for the last ten days. While Matt worked, I navigated my way around the small town we were staying in (and thoroughly enjoyed Boeing's hospitality abroad). After he wrapped up we took a road trip on toward Munich via the Romantic Road and stopped in the small, quite quaint towns in between.

Love my European country side and the man who adds to its landscape
And then... the fest!
I had no idea Oktoberfest is the annual celebration of a wedding. Talk about an epic reception!
 Travel isn't the only new thing to come about.

I turned the corner to the next decade (and while still I hate the sound of "thirty," I must say that it has treated me well so far)
We celebrated my new decade with a flair of Francais! Berets and mustaches included.
I was so happy that my parents made the trip from Spokane to celebrate with me

Finally got cable in the house (trust me, this is a BIG change)

Last but not least, after chewing on it for three years, I joined Rodan and Fields as an independent consultant. The product junkie in me is nerding out learning about each product and the active ingredients that make each regimen so unique. It's kind of like having an in-home spa and working behind my own counter at Norstrom. Why did I wait so long to jump in?

(and if you're curious to know more, check out their latest app for personalized skin analysis)

With the holidays looming, things to continue to be thankful for, and of course (always) a ton of things to say, I look forward to picking up my blogging habit again. Hope ya'll are ready to pick up your habit of guilty pleasure blog reading. I hope to provide you with lots of material.


1 comment:

Katrina said...

Yay! I was so excited to see your post in my reader this morning. Looking forward to reading more :)