Friday, March 21, 2008

Mum's the word

I got to thinking that I failed as a blogger (or excessive life documenter) because during my mom's visit, I never got a picture of us together. I joked with my mom that people might just think I made up this whole visit.

Fortunately, my mom left evidence of her trip. Anyone who knows my mom is well aware that she has a certain fondness for doilies. One might even go so far to say that she is a doilie enthusiast. I grew up with these crocheted wonders draped over couches, table tops, mantles, bathroom shelves, sometimes even our cats! To my mother, a doilie is the quintessential finish touch to a decorated room.

I caught her sneaking some into my house from the stuff we went through of my great grandmothers. The next day, I began to notice doilies popping up in every corner. I'm happy to say, most attempts were foiled, although I did catch one last lonely doilie on the table after she left.

She can be SO sneaky.

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