Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Cleaning

This past fall my great grandmother passed away at the ripe age of 95... I'm telling you, the people on both sides of my family live VERY long. The other thing my family is infamous for is our ability to collect clutter!
With the Nana and my mom in tow, we set out to go through the boxes upon boxes of stuff my great grandmother (Grandma Womack, to me) had collected through her years.

There are many things I admire about my great grandmother. She was a strong Christian, devoted mother and friend, and avid traveler who continued to take trips as long as she was physically able. We found her travel journals today from European and cruise trips she had taken.

She also spent many of her early years living in Hawaii and California. There are some great pictures of her in hula attire and the beaches she lived on.

Although I am working hard to be the generation to break the clutter cycle, I did get away with a china set, some dinnerware, and great family photos. (My attempt at pictures of pictures to post below)

My Nana as a baby with her parents

Picture of four generations... yes I'm the baldie in the lefthand corner with the chubbie cheeks

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