Monday, April 11, 2011

Sans TV, Day 1

Here begins the documentation of what I can actually accomplish in my life when I remove mindless TV watching.

Day One: I cheated already. So much for self restraint. I couldn't help it. The first episode of Khloe and Lamar was on E! and if anyone is going to help me believe in love again, it might as well be a Kardashian.

Unlike prior weeks, however, the TV was on solely during dinner time and to paint my nails... both productive side tasks. After which, the boob tube was promptly retired for the night. I am very proud to say that without watching excessive TV, today I was able to walk Gatsby in the park, make dinner with KTO, actually do the dishes after dinner, and have an hour long phone conversation with my mum in which she gave me a healthy dose of tough love.
She proceeded to agree that this new leaf I'm trying to turn over is a step in the right direction. In her sweetest and kindest voice, she explained further that I needed to get off my lazy arse, find a mentor and people who will continue to keep me focused and get to writing my book. "Bloom where you're planted" I believe was her wrap up quote.
Well, Mum, I'm on it.

If this is just day one of my no TV experiment, I can hardly imagine what else is in store. I think I'll try to abstain for at least 30 days. Who knows, tomorrow I may not even cheat!

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