Sunday, April 10, 2011

Family Dinner

The Trailer family has long had a tradition of dining together. When we were all in college, it was a rare night that we didn't have some food option for sharing among the 6+ of us. Whether it was made by one of the roommates, a visiting mom, or take out from a favorite Cheney locale, this is one of my favorite memories from my time in the Trailer.

In the many years since we've all moved on, family dinners have been one of the traditions that has carried through during our reunion trips. It has typically involved getting some sort of sustenance in us before a long and crazy night out.

A more "traditional" dining experience, involving matching attire and pitchers...

Yesterday was another fun  get together. Mel P was visiting the west side from Spokane and Alissa came up from Gig Harbor. The four of us (myself and Katie) set out for the Spaghetti Factory to have a carb loading dinner in preparation for Katie's race today. This time, however, the setting was slightly different. Melissa's daughter Ruby and Alissa's son Caleb were also in tow. Our table was no longer covered with pitchers of beer and fried food, but crayons, bottles, and stories of Disney princesses.

As both children were experiencing a mini-meltdown, we all took a minute to laugh at how much the tradition had changed in just a few short years. Who would have thought that the house full of crazy partying college kids would someday find a pasta dinner the perfect highlight to a Saturday together?

I, for one, am so glad that I have these people to grow through life with. We have been through thick and thin, and I find so much comfort in knowing these friends will be with me through the long haul.

Our fun filled dinner ended after spumoni ice cream for all. After which we headed home for a wild night together watching Sleeping Beauty and going to bed at 10.

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