Saturday, April 9, 2011

Coaching My Way to "Type A"

I'd like to blame it on winter hibernation. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the problem runs much deeper. Lately (and by lately I mean throughout the last year), I've fallen into a rut of laziness. It saturates my every minute. From sleeping in as late as I possibly can, to skipping my workouts, to going to bed at night with my makeup still on... yuck.... My zest and energy seemed to have escaped me. Even the things that I love most: sewing, baking, reading, WRITING! have taken a back seat to, well, nothing actually.

This year for Lent I decided to give up shopping. A big step forward considering last year I gave up denim (which is surprisingly harder to do than it sounds). I've gained a new appreciation for the things that I already have and found creative ways to make do instead of just running to the store to pick up something new. This has inspired me to pull my act together and take a good hard look at the rest of my life.
What I found, I wasn't too proud of. Fortunately, by starting at the bottom, there's no place to go but up. First things first, I've decided I watch WAY too much TV. It's insanely addicting. Most of the time, I find myself watching shows that are neither interesting nor enlightening. The problem is, I can't seem limit myself to "a little" one half hour show turns into three hours of nothingness. With TV, it's all or nothing, and I choose nothing. I'll probably still watch movies and documentaries, but other than that, all TV goes.

This should open a lot of time to do the more productive things I've been meaning to get to for months like repainting my dresser, finishing half sewn dresses, and writing that book friends and family have been encouraging me to do.

Other life improvement efforts will include the following:
  • Flossing. Seriously, what almost 30 year old doesn't floss on a regular basis (besides me?)
  • Taking vitamins and drinking more water.
  • Taking Gatsby on more than just "potty" walks. When he was a puppy, I'd take G on mile long walks every day! The Seattle rain and cold... and my laziness, have unfortunately affected Gatsby too.
  • Doing at least two chores each day. I have a tendency to put them off until the absolute last minute. But maybe, if I tackle them a little at a time, they won't be such a nuisance to get through over the weekends.
  • Go on a Facebook sabbatical during the week. I'm not sure about this one yet. Maybe I'll just abstain during the day and only visit at night. The bottom line is, second to TV, this is definitely a huge time waster in my daily life.
Wish me luck on this new leaf I've turned over. I hope that seeing the fruits of my labor will give me the energy and enthusiasm to stick with this new kick of productivity. I'm very ready to leave my sloth-like Winter self behind and move into Summer with a spring in my step!

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