Wednesday, October 26, 2011

To Market To Market

As I was grocery shopping today to fill my kitchen with the bare essentials (those being two bottles of wine, a container of arugula, coffee, dish soap, and silver polish) I noticed a couple of interesting trends among my fellow shoppers. The geries were out in full force as it is apparently "Seniors" day at Fred Meyer. I also noticed a solid percentage of what one might refer to as the Old Maid.

My checkout line, for instance, included three other women aside from me. Their ages ranged from myself up to 60 something.

The first customer purchased five cans of soup and about 15 cans of cat food. All with coupons.

The second had a basket full of singular produce items (one potato, one apple, one banana) and also happened to be purchasing the infomercial fruit saver bags. She assured me that although they were expensive, I would get 20 bags in a pack, they were reusable, and my fruit would last a whole week without browning! (Admittedly, I took this into consideration and made a mental note to purchase said bags on my next grocery trip).

The lady behind me rounded out our lonely-hearts club with 3 cans of low sodium chicken broth, microwave lunches, and a package of cookies.

One would assume being surrounded by such company would be an Ah Ha! moment for me, similar to that of fictional 30-something Bridget Jones. Instead, I just laughed to myself. I was enjoying this scenario more than was perhaps appropriate and was happy to have chosen the checkout line that I did. I made a mental note to return for my weekly trip on the same day and the same time next week.

Afterall, we old maids need to stick together.

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