Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two A Days

Today I began my "Two A Days" or as we used to call them in high school, Daily Doubles. For the next few weeks, if not months, I'll be working out not once, but twice each day.

As yucky as the usual me would say this idea is, I'm actually pretty excited about it. It does help that the weather in Seattle is still beautiful which means my first workout gets to be a run in the sun.

This is all part of a new workout project my friend Katrina and I have decided to embark upon. We'll hopefully soon be turning this little idea of ours into a new writing project as well. But until then, we've affectionately been referring to it as "Rah Rah Push Up Bra" (credit of this name goes to Katrina).

I first started my workout regimen for the project two weeks ago. It had become apparent in September that my knack for fainting on runs was leading me nowhere near the Chicago marathon fast. Having to perhaps give up this goal for good, I needed a new focus. Katrina proposed her new plan and I was instantly on board. I began training that next week and lost five pounds in five days.

As these things don't last long, the weight and definition has now somewhat plateaued which means it's time to kick the workouts up a notch again. I'm also bracing myself for some dietary changes. Less carbs, more fruits and veggies.

The current goal is to drop another five before November which is just about two weeks away. While Katrina and I continue to work on how to present our new project, I think I'll stick to posting my progress here.
Some daily thinspiration never hurts either

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