Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Writer's Block

There's no excuse... It's been almost two months since I've written ANYTHING. A sad record. Nothing here, nothing on KISS, nada. I'm supposed to be an aspiring writer and my voice seems to have escaped me. I'm not a big advocate for the writer's block excuse. People like myself are always over opinionated, it's just a matter of sharing it with the rest of the world. So where has my narrative gone?

I wish I knew.

There are a handful of things to report on.... nothing earth shattering. But then again, it's not the story itself, but how it's told. I wish I still had the passion. I pray for it to return someday soon.

I once used this blog to fine tune my writing and get me into the frequency of posting things. I think my solution is to turn to this platform once more. Simplistic. Basic.

It doesn't need to be brilliant. It just needs to be.

So here's hoping. I know that there are few things in this world I truly love. Writing is one of them.
As with any relationship, there are peaks and valleys. I'm ready to trek out of the valley and into the sunlight.

I think it will start with baby steps. Microblogging, minus Twitter. Perhaps I just need to pull myself out of Facebook and Twitter for awhile.
Baby steps...

1 comment:

dang said...

The first step is a good place to start.