Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Bucket List

Here is my original "Life List" created and edited throughout middle school.

Some of these crack me up. Others? Still goals.
  1. Get my pilot's license
  2. Learn to fence
  3. Write and publish a book (I can't believe some of these goals from 6th grade are still dreams of mine. Impressive that I was forward thinking enough to want to "publish" as well.)
  4. Run a marathon
  5. Get a tattoo (or two or three)
  6. Teach a college course
  7. Go skydiving
  8. Read the Bible cover to cover
  9. Attend a fashion show (I'd like to update this to NY Fashion week)
  10. Volunteer as a firefighter
  11. Move to LA (Apparently I always loved the place)
  12. Win a contest
  13. Build a house
  14. Get arrested (Oops)
  15. Swim in all the oceans
  16. Earn an honorary degree
  17. Go scuba diving
  18. Get married
  19. Go on an African safari
  20. Learn to play the guitar (this was accurate for about 12 months)
  21. Be on the cover of a magazine (I had big dreams at 12)
  22. Live in 20 different cities (actually close to this one)
  23. Become a mom
  24. Become fluent in sign language
  25. Ride in a hot air balloon
  26. Go on a mission trip
  27. Act in 12 movies (yeah, that's not happening)
  28. Go white water rafting
  29. Go rock climbing
  30. Play a varsity sport (for the unathletic, this was a lofty goal)
  31. Climb Machu Picchu (fairly certain at 12, I had no idea where this was, it just sounded cool)
  32. See the Great Wall
Perhaps I'll begin the updated list with some less expensive/ more attainable goals.

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