Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Yet Another Project(s)

In addition to balancing regular posting on the blog, adding to my thankful list, working to cross off items in the bucket list, and discussing outcomes of Pinterest experiments, I've decided that I should probably add another on-going topic to the mix.

And while there may not be rest for the weary, there is plenty to go around for the unemployed. I've been using my lack of daily structure as an excuse to not get anything done, and quite frankly, I've reached the point that even I'm longer buying my own excuses.

A very wise friend of mine essentially gave my lack of structure theory a much needed kick in the arse last night. His point? Why not build the structure into each day myself?
While this may sound quite obvious to the average reader, it's taken me the greater part of a year to come upon the realization.
To make it more granular, we talked about the amount of time I want to spend each day on certain tasks.
I want to be a writer, right? So I need to dedicate a specific amount of time each day to the task. At this point, I can safely say that I have a good two hours each week day to commit to content.

I've also decided to use Lent as a time to work out more. Each year I choose something random to dedicate myself to. I don't give up the usual chocolate or coffee (please, I'm not insane), but instead choose to forego things like denim, shopping, or dating. This year, I thought I'd flip the table a little and add to myself by working out everyday for forty days. And of course, you guessed it... I'll be documenting it here and adding an excercise page to TRIM.
Be prepared to see much more of these "thinspirational" messages

I might also mention that I recently gave up a very big time suck in my life, Facebook (to be clear, this is not Lent related)

Collectively, I think it's freeing up multiple hours in my week that were once spent senselessly meandering through 2nd birthday albums of the child of a friend I used to know in high school but haven't actually spoken to in years.
(Plus I've found that Pinterest is a great outlet for my social media addiction)

I'm not the first person to come upon this realization. Nor do I hope to be the last. I don't know if this is a permanent decision, but I've decided to give it up until I no longer have an inkling to check it in the morning.
I loved this little last ditch effort by FB to keep me around... My friends will miss me? Good! I hope so.
Part of the point of taking this sabbatical is to connect with them in real life, not online.

My time on my laptop can now be freed up to work on daily writing, blogging and reporting on my Lenten progress.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have some push-ups to get back to.


Tiffany said...

So I'm dying of laughter right now for a couple of reasons. First, because right before I read this post, I emailed you and asked if you unfriended me. Second, because FB told you that both Eric and I were going to miss you. That part is true by the way, but I miss you in person, not cyberly (I think I just made up a new word). :)

Best of luck with your Lenten promise. I love the idea and just might steal it!

Katrina said...

Oh my goodness! Similar to Tiffany, I was worried you had unfriended me on good old Facebook! Relieved to read that this is not the case :)

Love this idea and can't wait to hear about all the workouts you try out! I must admit that I've been lacking structure now that I'm working at home, and this post was a really good motivator.

Dan Vanhorn said...

I did notice your facebook page gone Carina, but I stopped by your Trim, which explained everything. I certainly understand the jettison of facebook. It’s very cool to see you have a vision going into Spring! I know others that have good things to say about pinterest too.

amy_marshlain-tillman said...

I pretty much almost cried today when I thought you had unfriended me on the good 'ol fb (yeah, I realize I'm about 2 weeks behind). I then realized I just had to visit Trim and get my Carina fix. My crisis was averted. Sad to see you're gone from facebook, but keep up on the blog postings. I love them!