Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Am Thankful: 7

Today seems to be the most appropriate day to be thankful for love. The  ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can't live without the other person kind of love.

A couple months ago, a line from a John Mayer song got caught in my head.
A simple sentence: I can't remember life before her name

Not being much of a relationship expert himself, I didn't give the line much initial credit. But as songs have a tendency to do, once it was stuck in my head I began to give it a little more thought.

I wondered if it would ever be possible to wipe the proverbial relationship slate clean and start over again? The older we get, the more baggage we seem to accumulate. Call them "lessons learned" or "experiences"...
But I'd like to call them a cab and say good riddance.

Somewhere soon after the song day, a funny thing happened.

I actually did get swept away.

Because it starts slowly and progresses gradually, it wasn't until I stepped outside of the new relationship that I was able to realize how true the line in the song could be. It really is possible to forget everything that came before this. To forget the broken hearts, trust issues, and cynicism for love. I've found it's even possible to break all your old rules and become the person that you used to find utterly annoying.

Holding hands in public? Yes please.
Talking about feelings? Bring it on.
Staying in for a quiet night instead of going out? You betcha.

Coming to this realization, I've wondered if the newness would soon start to fade, if life and memories would continue as they had before.
Instead, I seem to fall deeper into my John Mayer-like love trance.

I still can't remember life before his name... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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