Monday, March 5, 2012

Keep Going

Working out every day has definitely not been my favorite thing lately. I'm so glad I have my friend Tiffany as an accountability partner. She decided to do the "Lent Challenge" too. We share a Google calendar and can see the workouts each person has accomplished each day.
It's definitely a great motivator when you see your 45 minute swim trumped by her 90 minute one.

This has also been a great motto for me recently:

I haven't been seeing the results I'd hoped for initially (it doesn't even feel like I've lost any water weight). It's good to remember that this is a slow process and a habit changer, not a form of immediate gratification.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

I'm totally on the same page. I've been having a tough time feeling motivated. Haven't joined a gym yet so I've been doing solo DVD workouts, which isn't always the most fun or encouraging. I love the idea of doing a shared Google calendar for accountability!