Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring Fling

There's nothing like receiving a ton (being 4... which is 4 more than I usually get) of comments on a blog post discussing being missed on Facebook to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Except, that is, for real warmth from the sun and the promise of Spring. We are so  close to 12 hours of sunlight again.  Although the weather calls for snow this evening, I prematurely jumped on Spring's bandwagon last weekend by planting herb, vegetable, and flower seeds in my garden (and hoping to grow  a green thumb in the process), decorating with Easter pastels, going a shade blonder, and replacing all home candles and air fresheners with a light floral theme. I hope my efforts will kick these winter blues all the way to the North Pole.

And once againg, my favorite e-mag, Matchbook Magazine, found a way to further articulate my feelings on this next season quite well:

I actually have always wanted a quirky nickname, in spite of my mother spending days months coming up with a name that could not transition into a nickname whatsoever. (Admittedly, the older I get the more of a fan I am of my own name.)

To top off my fever for spring this year, I've become very excited for this weekend's daylight savings which will make me feel like I have evenings once again instead of a bedtime at 5:00pm.

Happy March Everyone!

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