Thursday, April 11, 2013

Project Bikini Countdown

It has been three days since Project Bikini has gone into overdrive.

Project Bikini has been what I’ve lovingly referred to as the process of getting my winter self(read: white pasty skin, unnaturally dark hair, and happily plump) ready for 7 days and nights in the Mexican Riviera.

I don’t think there would have been any chance of project completion without the reward of a vacation and the fear of public mockery.

For the past two months I’ve undergone bleaching, toning, tanning, waxing and polishing. It’s been generally painful yet successful. Two coworkers asked if I’ve lost weight, I’m tanner now than I have been since moving back to soggy Seattle (though I will swear to my grave that the tanning was ONLY to prevent this albino skin from burning to a crisp the second it sees Mexican sun), and Matt is full of compliments about how great I look. And let’s be honest, that never gets old.

Though I’m happy with the results, they are not quite what I was hoping for. So leading into the trip, I decided to take these efforts to the next level. My diet has turned to a whole foods, vegan, caffeine/preservative/ alcohol/ and sugar free menu. What’s left? Everything I usually avoid: veggies, fruit, tofu, and rice.

I also thought I’d be up for "Daily Doubles" working out both in the morning and evening. I was successful on Monday.

Then the withdrawals set in. I had forgotten that my "No Face" (i.e. not eating anything that had or came from a face) was also a detox.

My body = not happy.

I was insanely tired and grumpy, had a constant headache, and could hardly finish one workout. Exercise time turned into nap time.

Luckily, this part of the detox passes quickly. It’s day four and I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I’m finding myself full of energy and in an annoyingly good mood. I’m back to full steam ahead with the No Face and the Daily Doubles. I may not get to a six pack (abs, that is) by cruise time, but at least I’ll feel confident enough to hit the beach without a bag over my head.

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