Thursday, March 13, 2008

Playing House

I've been working on a new online marketing "campaign" of sorts to attract a younger generation to my company's events. Since this company was managed by my grandparents before I came on board, the internet was not a frequently used tool. One aspect of the marketing project is networking via good ol' Myspace. In addition to jewelry and clothing designers, I have come upon a new target sector to befriend: Luxury children's companies.

This sparks my interest creatively as well as keeping a shopping eye out for my dear friends who have caught the pregnancy epidemic and should be showered with such gifts as feather door wreaths, custom car seat covers, and imported vintage prams from England.

Today, however, I saw something that truly took me aback... which is hard to do, I've shopped the baby boutiques on Rodeo!

There is a luxury toy company that makes play houses and castles unlike anything I have ever seen.

This home looks like it's come straight from Wisteria Lane.

Can I just note that this entry way is even nicer than MY own grown up house?

And although Kim just finished her very lovely kitchen (see "other blog" links) I'd have to say this one is just as nice.

Please note the window seat in the back room here, and the hardwood throughout

For those who are not ready to make the mortgage commitment for their little tikes, perhaps a custom castle bed would be a better option? It's not too clear in this photo, but the entire bed is covered in glitter.

Lastly, since most friends still have the bun in the oven, the luxury cribs may be more fitting to look into. Designs range from merry-go-round to a Memoirs of a Geisha inspired crib (is that weird to anyone else???). My guess is this is the Moulin Rouge edition.

Even as I looked at these again, they still seem too over the top to be real. There are plenty more toys and furniture to be seen at and

Don't worry, there are boy's mini airplanes and manly castles too ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am, Nicole Pugh, the owner and designer of WWW.BUNDLESOFBLOSSOMS.COM and it was so interesting reading your blog on the company.

The little playhouses truly are like mini-homes with electricity, running water, wall art, custom designed furniture, hardwood flooring, window treatments and everything else you can imagine. Many are converted over to guest houses, pool houses or offices when the children grow up. They are really luxurious and can be custom designed for the family pet, as well.

The round dome cribs are over the top, as well, and as you showed can be for twins and even triplets. The are fabulous and funky.

Thank you for looking and blogging about Bundles of Blossoms. Blog about us anytime, because we are always adding luxury gifts for all babies and children. I love your writing style!

Have a great weekend,
Nicole Pugh-owne/designer