Friday, March 14, 2008

Working from home

There are many things I have discovered in the past few months that come with the "home office" package. I recently spoke with the husband of Nick's coworker. Peter (or Pete-O as he introduced himself... uh frat boy anyone?) also just joined the work from home club. He said he had slowly been evolving into that nosy neighbor who keeps an eye on everything. Being home, has enabled him to keep tabs on the coming and goings of most people on the block. There is apparently a neighborhood website that he frequently contributes postings to (I imagine they go something like "the Smiths should be notified that a barking dog left unattended is a violation of the home owners association" or "is the new paint color trimming on the Anderson's house an approved palette color?")

I could care less about the people who inhabit my neighborhood. This is mainly because they are crass builders who litter my lawn and leave each night.

Another thing Pete-O talked about was the realization that three days will pass without him leaving the house. Now THIS is something I can relate to. I find myself not getting out of sweats for more than a day, bypassing the makeup option, and utilizing my Bumble and Bumble hair powder a few days too many. To make matters worse, when I was shopping last weekend in Austin, I decided against a lovely pair of stilettos for the sole reason that I just don't wear them as much anymore. LA Carina would be horrified!

Even though I miss my hot shoes, happy hours with coworkers, coffee breaks with friends, and cute accounting guys ;) working from home is not all bad. I'm caught up on my Golden Girls and I Love Lucy, can run or do Yoga whenever I choose during the day, and am getting a lot of use out of my Pucci scarves and Juicy suits!
Most importantly, I'm building my future by working for myself in a company that will be my own sooner than later. Autonomy and a real career have their price, if you ask me, I'm willing to pay it.

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