Friday, February 10, 2012

Raising Les Enfants

As I am not yet a parent, I can only speculate as an outsider on the responsibility, joys and struggles that come along with the territory. I have no idea what kind of parent I might turn out to be (though if my raising Gatsby is any indicator, I have a lot of work to do on my ability to set boundaries and execute discipline).

I am, however, a total Francophile. I am under complete delusion that anything the French do or say is 100x better than the American way.

So when an article discussing the art of French parenting popped up on my screen this morning logging onto the Starbucks wifi, I was all ears (erm, eyes).

The article, titled "Why French Parents are Superior", discusses many cultural differences between the approach that American and French parents take with their children.
Some of the French parenting tactics included:
  • Children should say hello, goodbye, thank you and please. It helps them to learn that they aren't the only ones with feelings and needs.
  • When they misbehave, give them the "big eyes"—a stern look of admonishment.
  • Allow only one snack a day. In France, it's at 4 or 4:30.
  • Remind them (and yourself) who's the boss. French parents say, "It's me who decides."
  • Don't be afraid to say "no." Kids have to learn how to cope with some frustration.
The basis of the article addressed American's tendencies to over-parent (again, I am not one yet, so I can only report on my observations), coddle, and cultivate a child-centric atmosphere... as opposed to the French method of teaching children to live in the "grown up" world.

I was excited to see that this article is based on the author's upcoming book. I'm curious to learn more about this approach, especially as the idea of having a family of my own is slowly becoming less of "it's like an alien growing inside of you..." to "hmmmm, maaaybe that doesn't seem so bad."

At the very least, I'm getting a head start on homework and preparation for the motherhood journey, if I do ever find myself in that role.


Alysha Holmquist said...

Hey - I happened across your blog while laughing over Katrina's friggin hilarious one (we met during high school) and had to send you a comment on this! I just saw a segment on the Today show today (I'm unemployed right now) ;o) about "Bringing Up Bebe" and I completely agree with you (and the french)... despite the fact that I don't have kids ;o) Great blog!

Anonymous said...

Love your posts. Just have to say on this one, I have a 2.5 year old and am not the typical american that lets her kid get away with murder all the while singing "Ohh isn't he cute?!" So I run a tight ship, I think. But am still loving toward him.

While I get the sentiment of the French, I think restricting them to 1 snack a day is a mistake. They get moody (like adults do) when they are hungry so lots of battles and meltdowns would be avoided by feeding them if they are hungry. Besides, isn't the newer healthy thing to do to eat 5-6 smaller meals in a day?

And, the big eyed look of astonishment when they act up is seen as a challenge like "you want a piece of me??" "Oh really?!" Ya. That is what I have done and it is just an invite for them to laugh at you (they LOVE seeing you lose your "stuff"...) and act out even more.

But the other items I like. I have a phrase like the "I make the decisions" and may switch to the French version because it's shorter.

But interesting read, I may read more reviews on Amazon to get the nuggets from the book without reading it. ;-)