Last fall, I was unable to make it back to Cheney for Eastern's homecoming. Since we have all spread out to different states after graduation, this is the time that my group of friends have an unspoken agreement it will be our annual reunion.
I knew there was a lot that I would be missing out on. Luckily, the girls had a chance to get together again last weeekend for Melissa's baby shower. I was quickly caught up on the things that I had missed in October. One, in particular, is the idea for all the girls to get matching tattoos. In concept, I think this is a great idea. We have all gone through so much together. We've shared laughter, tears, rooms, parties, boyfriends, break ups, marriages, babies, and the everyday ups and downs in life.
The thing is, since we all came together in living at the Trailer, and thus dubbed the "Trailer" girls, our options are a bit limited as to what the design of the tattoo will be. Clearly none of us want a picture of a trailer... Jamie came up with the idea of the address numbers 11414.
The idea is slightly Angelina Jolie meets prison branding. Although I admit, I have no better idea to throw on the table. The problem for me personally, is this will be the second location tattoo I have (

Now, if I'm ever lost, these tattoos can serve as an ID tag. Please return either to Los Angeles or 11414 Fleming Drive. And hopefully our 4's aren't as crooked as the house numbers.
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