Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just Like a Rockstar on Tour...

It’s been a few days since I was connected to the real world, i.e. my internet.
Surprisingly, I can’t say that I have missed it all that much. This has been my point of view for the last two days. Our mode of transportation is not too shabby and much roomier than an airplane! (notice the pedicure too ;)
We’re traveling to Dallas through Roswell. I’ve never been to alien country before and decided I should probably educate myself a bit about what put this charming little town on the map. We visited the UFO "Research Center". They were even performing a dissection in front of the visitors!

(OK, there’s a slight chance this isn’t real)

After Roswell we hit Western Texas and got to drive through all the plains and farmland. We camped overnight in Sweetwater, TX (even the name is quaint!). And because I’m a suburban girl who moved to the big city, all this nature stuff is quite novel and exciting to me. Here are some shots I snapped during my walk on a quiet country road (of course trying to singing the only three country songs I can remember, in my head).

Tomorrow it’s on to our final destination, Dallas! I’m ready to pull on my cowboy boots on and hit the rodeo. I’ve even been trying to teach my grandparent’s cat the Southern drawl during our drives so she can fit in too.

Goodnight Meo-yall!

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