I discovered the bug while leaving a voicemail. My voice went from normal to high pitched freak out forgetting entirely what the original message was supposed to be about. I then called Nick for verbal moral support while I attempted to take care of the problem. I hope the poor guy can still hear in the morning.
After much effort, jumping and squealing, the creepy crawler was taken care of. In hindsight, I now know that packing breakables and china after such trauma is not a good idea. I was just barely successful in avoiding any breakage.
A little later when I had calmed down, I went out to the garage to grab more boxes only to find TWO more large sized beetles in my way. BIG problem! In addition to getting boxes, the trash also had to make it outside before morning for pickup. Scared, I ran back into the house.
When Nick called later he coaxed me into making another attempt. This time the beetle nearly flew at me. I managed to open the garage door and run back into the house. My new theory was to leave out the front door to the garage and at least pull my trash out. The party dress boxes could wait until morning. I look into the garage and there are SWARMS of big gross flying bugs by the garage light and easily a dozen beetles surrounding the outside garage wall.
These are the times I hate living on my own (Amanda would have totally taken care of this situation). I can't wait to get out of here. Where can I move to that has NO bugs? At least no big scary ones? And where do these bugs go in the morning? This has never happened during the daytime. Nick tells me they go off to work... hmmm, I guess that's one theory. And in case you're wondering, the trash has yet to be taken out.
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