- New England boarding school educated
- Members of the Skull and Bones society in college
- Tommy's fiance sported a "minimal" 12 carat sapphire skating rink... errr engagement ring
- Current projects each was involved in included silent partner in a new downtown Austin restaurant, backing a few scripts being pitched in Hollywood, building a personal recording studio, looking for a new non-profit to invest in (I was so tempted to nominate myself for an economic-relief fund), and discussing which presidential campaign to lend fundraising dollars to
- If laying out by the lap pool didn't suffice for the day, a quick trip on the private jet could get them to the beach in no time

Aside from the initial shock I went through hanging out with this "old money", the group was very down to earth (Tommy and his fiance even drove an old Mercedes that runs on alternative fuel) preferring casual Mexican food and beer to a pretentious evening out. For me, it was nice to get a first hand glimpse of how the other half lives... Sort of my grown up version of playing dress up.
I'll definitely be keeping in contact with these new friends (mostly because I need friends in Austin). Maybe they'll want someone new to keep them company next time they jet over to St. Barts.
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