My issues are more specific to the act of eating. Simply stated, I'm a spiller. Hardly a meal goes by where some bite or crumb of food doesn't travel past my mouth and into my lap.
See exhibit A: Out to dinner with Kim. Notice her clean eating area. Then notice mine (I also seem to be eating 4x more than she is...)
Even carrying coffee is a challenge for me. It tends to spill all over my hands, especially if I'm carrying Starbucks for two. This leads me to my first discovery yesterday, the lid plugger. I'm fairly certain this isn't the official name for the contraption. I was also told they were relatively new, although since I've been living under a rock lately, I don't quite get out to the neighborhood Bux like I used to. Whether they've been around for months or days, I love them! One less chance to spill on myself is a great step forward for me and five year olds everywhere!

My second amazing discovery happens to also be food related (I'm on a roll). I found a frozen yogurt place about a block from Nick's apartment in Austin that is a solid Pinkberry knockoff! I'm almost positive it's illegal to live in the LA area and NOT be obsessed with this invention of deliciousness. The problem is now that I'm hooked, I have nowhere to get it! Pinkberry has strategically stayed in California and only recently announced it will go bi-coastal and open shop in New York.
The Austin version is still not the real thing. But at least for now, I have found a way to ebb the craving until my feet are firmly planted back in LA soil.
1 comment:
I made your blog!!!
What an exciting day for me :) I'm almost the equivalent of a celebrity now!
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