I have heard that pregnant women have weird dreams. I think it goes with the whole strange cravings, volatile emotions, growing another human being inside you thing. I can therefore only explain the dream I had a few nights ago as sympathizing with Melissa for her little youngster to hurry up and join the world.(total side note already, can they PLEASE stop using weeks to measure
pregnancy? I get that it's more accurate with smaller time increments and
all, but we pregnancy virgins... is that an oxymoron?... have a
hard time figuring out what 27 weeks really means)

I guess even in my dreams I'm more distracted with superficial things like appearance and try my hardest to avoid the heavy topics at hand.
The best part about this dream of mine, happened last night when I was texting the story to Melissa. I must have been distracted watching American Idol (hoping to finally have proof that Paula's Coke cup contains more than water) because instead of sending a message to Melissa, I sent it to Mike. Mike is a friend from Orange County that I haven't talked to in months. Imagine his surprise when the first thing he hears from me after all this time is "Just make sure your baby is fuzz free and sans tail when you deliver"
It was a blast trying to explain my way out of that one!
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