Thursday, May 22, 2008


I have long been a devout fan of Wallflowers (not the band, although they weren't too shabby circa 1998). I'm referring to the air fresheners sold at Bath and Body Works. Lately, I've been less than enthused about the variety available. The new scents I'm just not fond of, and the "classic" scents I have overused.

I decided to branch out to the mainstream grocery variety and picked up the Febreze air freshener. Within about 20 minutes my living room smelled like a cross between fresh cotton and a litter box (or what they call meadow songs), Yuck!
I'm at a loss. I don't want to be wasteful and toss the air freshener, but I certainly can't keep it plugged in.

Can anyone recommend a brand of air fresheners you really like? (other than the two mentioned here)

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