Wednesday, March 24, 2010

America's Next Top Model: The 2010 5'7" and Under Seattle Casting

 No, I'm not trying out for any model competition of any sort (please). But thank you Tiffany for the title idea.

I decided with the networking I've been doing in Seattle and my "official step" into the field of fashion, it was high time I have some professional pictures available for use that didn't require cropping another person or drink out of the shot. Since the funding for such a project was out of the question, I turned to my former boss and good friend Dustin Knievel. He graciously offered to spare a couple hours in his afternoon to play Senior Photo session. Here are some of my favorite pictures based both on their artistic merits and flattery.

Some of his real work can be seen in upcoming exhibits around town (or search through some of his albums on FB, link through my profile). Dustin's artistic eye, creativity and drive will soon make him more famous and acclaimed than that other daring Knievel.


Tiffany said...

I die! These pics are sooooo good! You are smokin' hot! :)

Amy Byrd said...

You are such a beauty! Love, love, love them!

Natalie said...

Carina, they turned out so good! I love your heals. Super tall! Good luck on all of your networking in Seattle:)